hangover: 10/10

hangover: 10/10

The 10/10 Portal has passed us by and the vibes grow ever-weirder.

Containing the energies of completion and rebirth, the number 10 is the symbolic “conclusion.”

So, on October 10th, there are strong energies facilitating the tying up of loose ends.

And yet, it seems most of us have no clue what we have concluded yet, if anything, even a week later.

If anything, confusion is reigning supreme right now.

We can feel the new energy, we can feel the change, but we feel more adrift than excited.


Why the uncertainty?


The aftermath of this powerful portal is like skipping through the pages of the world's most extensive choose-your-own-adventure book—

With the cosmic forces from Pluto’s retrograde, the full moon on 10/17 urging us to shed our old skins, and this 10/10 portal hangover from hell,

The vibe is begging us to let go and get a little reckless.


You’re being a bit too…well…boring. Like, you’re boring yourself.


You haven’t concluded anything or been reborn yet because you haven’t gotten excited about where you’re going next.


You've got multiple routes ahead, and it seems you’re choosing “more of the same.”




You are not completely happy.


Do not choose more of the same. Don’t do it.


Be brave enough to choose something new for yourself, even if you’re not entirely sure where you’re going.

It’ll become clear as you go.



Ready, Set, Choose


So, as you stand at this cosmic crossroads, remember this: there's no such thing as a "wrong" choice.

Take a step, even if it’s into the dark. Take a step that excites you. And then another.

Every path leads to your fate.

All roads lead you home to yourself.


Embrace the mystery, trust in the tingles from your own intuition, and always choose the path that makes you excited and a little scared.

The universe is rooting for you.



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