Detachment and letting go have been the major themes of 2024 for the collective consciousness.
{Source: I have given psychic readings to an average of six people per day, every day, all year. 👼}
I’ll show you how to let go, today.
It’s way simpler than you have been lead to believe (and it’s free).
You are going to love practicing detachment without turning your back on your heart, trust me 💗
There’s a fairly easy way to give up control to the universe without living in delusion or forcing yourself to stop thinking about your desires.
Follow these steps,
I have provided examples to help you apply the concepts to your situation:
- Name your desire. Example: I want a new job, with more money and cooler coworkers.
- Recognize that spirit wants what you want. You are one, after all. Example: spirit wants me to have a new job, too.
- Ask yourself why Spirit wants this for you. Why would an all-seeing, all-loving perspective want you to have a new job, more money, more friends? Example: spirit wants me to have more money so I can have more fun, more choice, experience more, and be more excited about my day to day life. Similarly, if I had friends I really felt at home with, I’d be more excited about life and have more fun!!
- Notice unseen opportunities to experience the outcome Spirit wants for you in your current circumstances, today, BEFORE your manifestation. Where are you giving your power away? Example: I want a new job so I can experience more freedom but right now I give away a lot of my freedom by saying yes when I want to say no to extra projects at my current job. If I don’t fix that habit NOW, I’ll bring it to my next job. I’m stopping today. I also give my free time away at home (scrolling, aimless daydreaming). I should be spending what free time I do have more intentionally, or I will continue to waste what free time I am given in my new role. I should be honoring, noticing, and protecting my own needs for freedom better, now!!
- Understand that Spirit is already trying to walk you along the path to your desire right now, but you are holding things back. Spirit loves you so much, but you are like a toddler, throwing a tantrum and slowing things down, demanding you want it this instant. Chill out. Take more opportunities to experience joy in your everyday life today to soothe that tantrum. That way, Spirit can pick you up and sprint the rest of the way to your desire 💗 Example: I want a new job so I can feel better – freer, with more time and money to spare. Spirit has a perfect plan to get me feeling that way. Their plan is made from an omniscient perspective, so they can arrange things I can’t. I’m going to chill out and make an effort to experience more freedom with the resources I have now. Then, I’ll be perfectly primed to receive what I am asking for. I will chill out so Spirit can pick me up and sprint to my new job!! 🥹🥹
Do you see how you have the power to take your desire itself off the pedestal and make this journey about how you want to feel?
The time to start is now. Don't wait another day to begin practicing detachment and aligning with your highest good. There's no need to feel stuck, to feel like the life you desire is out of reach. The universe is ready to conspire with you, to help you create the reality you dream of.
Take the first step today – name your desire, recognize Spirit's support, and look for ways to experience your desired outcome in your current life. This is how you begin to align with your highest good, to let the universe in. And as you do, you'll start to feel a shift. You'll feel things beginning to move, to open up.
Trust in this process. Know that you are supported, that Spirit wants for you what you want for yourself. Don't get discouraged if things don't happen overnight. Alignment is a journey, and every step you take gets you closer to your desired outcome. So, keep at it. Keep letting go, keep aligning, and watch as your dreams begin to take shape. The universe is ready when you are ☺️☺️☺️