thank you THANK YOU, sun bugs!

thank you THANK YOU, sun bugs!

With immense joy and gratitude, I take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to each one of you for the incredible support you've shown during the launch of my Etsy store. Your enthusiasm, encouragement, and trust have truly touched my heart.

As many of you know, I've been reading tarot professionally for years, sharing my intuitive insights both in person and online. Recently, I felt a profound calling to expand my reach and share the ascended frequencies I receive through meditation. I had a small instagram following, but they weren't the kind of audience I would expect to be interested. If anything, I expected ridicule, as I've received almost constant ridicule since starting the @cosmicsunbug page in November of 2021! As I am fueled by troll tears however, I really felt nudged to put myself out there whether it be for ridicule or not. I embarked on this new journey by opening my Etsy store, aiming to connect with even more wonderful hearts like you.

I'm so happy to report that we reached new soul family already on Etsy, but we also had a surge of orders on our website, texts and DMs for readings, and shares on instagram.

The support, reviews, and encouragement have really fortified me. I have been very run down so far this year and your appreciation is actually humbling. Every order, every kind word, and every expression of faith in my spiritual gifts has affirmed that I'm on the right path. It's moments like these that remind me of the transformative power of our connections and the potential for healing that lies within our journey together. What is all this for? We are here to connect, to lighten one another's burdens, to reach one another's hearts.

With each tarot reading, meditation, and connection we share, I overflow with gratitude for the opportunity to be of service to your true selves. It is such a rare gift anymore on this planet to express our hearts to one another. Your trust allows me to delve into the spiritual realms, channeling energies that guide, uplift, and heal. I am inspired every day by your stories, your resilience, and your openness to the spiritual guidance that flows through me.

I want you to know that I am deeply committed to continuing this journey with you. My goal is to provide guidance, support, and insight that resonate with your journey and empower you to embrace the ascended frequencies that surround us. Your presence, your energy, and your connection are invaluable to me, and I am honored to be a part of your path.

With a bolt of cosmic love and clarity,

Hayley (& Keeva)


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